Our Top Tips to Find Trending Dropshipping Products in 2024


Have you ever wondered why some dropshipping businesses make six figures while others end up with next to zero sales, making only a few dollars? Much of it comes down to finding winning products to sell. Products are the backbone of an online business and a huge reason for the success of many online entrepreneurs. 

No matter how good your marketing plan is, you won’t be able to improve sales and increase profits if you try to sell the wrong products. Due to this reason, every dropshipper is searching for trending products to sell in their dropshipping store, but only a handful will be fortunate enough to strike gold. But what if we were to say there are easy ways to find trending products with good profit potential? That’s the sole reason why the expert Dropshipzone team is here. 

In this guide, our dropshipping experts share some proven strategies and steps for finding trending products to sell in your dropshipping store. So continue reading to the end.

How to find trending products for dropshipping 

Trending products add a lot of value to your dropship store and can result in increased sales and profits. For instance, millions of people started working from home during the pandemic, resulting in increased demand for home office equipment and home fitness gear. You may have also witnessed the shift in consumers buying eco-friendly and sustainable products due to the increased awareness about the environmental impact. These trends develop due to changes in people’s attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyles, among other reasons. 

Product research is crucial to finding trending products to sell in your dropshipping store. Read on and learn how to find dropshipping product ideas that sell like crazy. 


Steps to find trending products for dropshipping that sell

The following are the steps to find trending products for your dropshipping store. Make sure you don’t miss even a single step of product research, so you find the best dropshipping products that will bring you more sales. 


The first step to finding trending products is brainstorming. It’s an effective way to generate new ideas about exciting product ideas to sell. The dropshipping business is becoming increasingly competitive and rapidly changing. So, guesswork alone won’t help you to rise above your competitors. You should conduct thorough product research to compete with established sellers in the Aussie market.

You can create mind maps and note down insights that spring to mind. It could be products trending on social media, products that you or your friends/family use regularly, or products you think will do well on the market. No idea is too silly or outlandish to add to your mind map. 

Remember to change your locations when trying to brainstorm. If you brainstorm in the same place for hours, you may start feeling uninspired. You can move from your home office space to your deck, a nearby park, or a local coffee shop. A 2015 study revealed that many of our brightest ideas begin in the shower. Dr Scott Barry Kaufman, a cognitive psychologist, surveyed 4,000 people aged 18 to 64 across eight countries. Of those surveyed, 72 per cent reported gaining new insights and ideas while in the shower.

List down the best-selling dropshipping niches and products

Hopefully after your brainstorming session, the product ideas may start flowing.  But not all products are ideal for your dropshipping store. So, you should research products to identify which are the best for your dropshipping store and could possibly sell more with a better profit margin. 

You can use Google Trends for your dropshipping product research and to help predict trends going forward. With accurate data, Google Trends helps you gauge product demand over time and understand if search interest is rising or dropping. Conducting research into particular keywords can provide you with valuable insights, even into a niche market. Higher search volumes on Google Trends indicate higher interest in a particular product or category. 

For instance, face masks saw a surge in demand with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the below image, you can see that the interest in face masks was the highest (value of 100) during peak Coronavirus. Later, you may observe dips in the graph, but it’s likely due to the easing of restrictions. 


A graph showing the increase of search volume for the key word 'Covid face masks'. The data shows a peak in August 2020


Trends will come and fade away with time. Picking trending products for your dropshipping store might be successful for the short term, but eventually, it can be hard to maintain high sales. Additionally, you may face high competition for such products. So, you should find best-selling dropshipping niches for your online business. You’ll have a smaller pool of customers, but you’ll face less competition and get more consistent sales. Or, maybe you can have the best of both worlds by selecting past or current trending products that fall under your niche. 


The data for Pet toys suggests that the search volume has been consistent for the last five years


From the above image, the data suggests that the search volume for the niche 'Pet toys’ has been consistent for the last five years. This could be a nice niche to consider for your dropshipping store. 

Narrow down your selection

Once you’ve created a list of the best-selling niches and products after thorough research, the next step is narrowing down your selection to find the best dropshipping products for your online store.  

We’ve made a list of things you should consider when narrowing down your selection.

Understand what products sell 

A primary consideration for entrepreneurs starting their dropshipping business is finding products that sell well and fast. Dropshipping products fall under two categories: low-involvement or high-involvement purchase decisions. The former may represent impulse buying or routine purchases, while the latter may represent pricier items or those requiring extended decision-making. Usually, impulse buys are inexpensive, and people may purchase them without hesitation. On the contrary, your customers will put a great deal of thought and research into making a big-ticket purchase.  

Check product pricing

Another crucial factor to consider is product pricing. When selecting products for dropshipping, you should find products with the highest profit potential. For example, if you’re sourcing a summer hat for $5, you should be able to sell it for an amount that covers the cost of sourcing the products, delivery, and marketing and still leave you with a good profit gain at the end of each transaction. Depending on your business, a suitable price for this particular product might be $10, $15 or $50. We highly recommend you choose products that are likely to make you the most money. 

Consider the shipment criteria

When you're selecting products for your dropshipping store, you should consider the shipment criteria. There are several factors that affect shipping costs, such as product weight and size, packaging materials, distance from the destination, and shipping surcharges, which you should be mindful of when picking products for your dropshipping store. So we advise you to choose products that are easy to ship. Heavier, bigger, and hard-to-pack products may be expensive to ship, while lightweight and smaller-size products may be relatively cheaper.

Remember that customers love free deliveries, so they won’t be happy to pay extra for shipping. Many surveys and case studies have been conducted, which indicate that free shipping is critical to making purchase decisions. It encourages customers to order more items online and reduces abandoned cart rates. According to a survey of 3,000 customers conducted by Forbes, nearly 84 per cent of respondents purchased products because of free shipping, and 30 per cent of respondents said they increased the size of their orders to qualify for free shipping.    

Check competition 

Another crucial factor to consider is product competition. Trending products usually have high competition and low conversion rates. You’ll have to put more effort and time into your marketing strategy to stand out from the competition. Do a competitor analysis to understand your competitors' market performance, learn the ins and outs of your competitors, and stay on top of industry trends. You’ll also discover along the way if there are any potential opportunities to stand out or a better way to present your products and brand. Furthermore, conducting a competitive analysis will help you identify your product’s unique value proposition and what makes your product different from your competitors' products, which can inform your future marketing tactics.  

Look for potential suppliers

Finding reliable dropshipping suppliers is crucial for running a successful ecommerce business. An ideal dropship supplier would be a good reflection of the brand you want to build and provide you with the high-quality products and service your business deserves. Thorough research is essential to find reliable dropshipping suppliers. You can contact the dropshipping supplier to find out if they can meet your needs and check if the pricing is feasible to work with. The best dropshipping suppliers may still not be perfect, but they will be willing to work together with you to reach a resolution when necessary.

As you see, there are several things that you should keep in mind when narrowing down your selection to find the best and most profitable dropshipping products. We advise you to take the time and sit down to analyse your product offerings and market before you invest your money and efforts in it.  


Consider your target market

Consider your target market when choosing products to dropship because your business will revolve around it. Some products may have a better conversion rate, while others may be a total failure. This strongly depends on the market you choose to sell online. For instance, a AUD$50 product might not be too expensive in Australia, but it will be a lot of money in India. So, we highly recommend you consider the demographics, customer location, and other factors such as hobbies, lifestyles, and passions of your target audience when selecting products for your dropshipping business. Do your due diligence and see what works best for your business.  

Select trending products to dropship

Pat your back. You’ve done your homework and are ready to select the trending products to sell in your dropshipping store. We recommend you choose products that encourage repeat business and have recurring revenue potential. Products such as personal items, beauty and skin care, daily essentials, yoga mats, and air purifiers are some product types that can encourage repeat business and bring recurring value. It's because your customers might be using them daily. Additionally, identify the unique value proposition of the products you are willing to sell in your dropshipping store. It'll enable you to meet your customers’ needs, which gives you an edge over your competitors and provide a memorable shopping experience to your customers so that they’ll come back again and again. 

Why do trending products help your dropshipping business?

The success and failure of your dropshipping business largely depend on the selection of dropshipping products. Picking the most popular and trending product may seem like a winning strategy, but such products can have high competition. Instead, you should choose products having great potential for sales and opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. The products can be those trending in the past or present. You could even include products that have scope for trending in future. This way, you'll be ready to make a move when the product starts rising in popularity.


Benefits of selling trending products in your dropshipping store

In this section, let’s understand how selling best selling dropshipping products can help your ecommerce business. 

High profit potential

Timing greatly matters. Selling hot products at the right time will generate more revenue, and all things considered, can come with higher profit potential. People will rush to buy a product with rising popularity because they want to be the first to try it out and show it off to others. FOMO is another factor that creates an urgency to buy a particular trending product. 


A screenshot of tiktok content related to boucle chair kmart


For example, Kmart’s 2022 release, the Sundae boucle chair priced at $99, is an excellent dupe for other in-demand luxury boucle chairs that cost more than $500. This luxury chair is making waves across social media encouraging customers to buy one before it goes out of stock. Including such a trending product in your dropshipping store can help you make sales like crazy. 

Product research plays a critical role in finding dropshipping products for your specific niche. It will help you understand the market demand for products. Once you get lucky identifying trending products at the right time, you can quickly add them to your dropshipping store and keep testing to see if they convert into substantial sales.   

Grow your dropshipping business in a short time

You can accelerate the growth of your dropshipping store by selling trending items. These products attract customers, encourage fast sales, and help you earn good profits. But that’s only one part of the equation. Figuring out how to market these products can be a total game-changer. You’ll have to design marketing strategies that can shoot up your sales. 

Offering complementary products is a way to increase your online store sales. You may pair complementary products with trending products or offer customers other products that closely match those already in their cart. This strategy is known as ‘cross-selling’. 


A screenshot of an online shopping cart with a bottom banner suggesting 'you might like'.


Cross-selling enables you to increase your dropshipping store’s sales by increasing the average value of customers’ shopping carts. Many online businesses use this strategy to boost their sales, where the complementary products are displayed in a row titled ‘Other customers also bought'.

Established target market 

If a product is trending, you know it has already established itself as a winning product in the market. You’ll have a well-defined and established target audience who will respond positively to your promotions and products. This takes a big load off your shoulders and saves time in finding your target audience. 

When you have a known target market, you know where to aim your marketing efforts. It gives you focus and direction and helps you define and redefine your product to meet the needs of the targeted group. There will also be a known demand for a trending product in the market, and selling it in your dropshipping store may get you more frequent sales and good profits and encourage repeat purchases. You just need to direct your resources, time, and marketing efforts toward this target group to get good returns.


Drawbacks of selling trending products in your dropshipping store 

Selling trending products in your dropshipping store has its own cons. The following are some of its drawbacks.


Increased competition

Selling trending products in your dropshipping store will help you grow your sales, but you’ll have to design powerful marketing strategies to stand out from the competition. With trending products, people tend to buy from a seller that offers the best deal. 

To stay ahead of your competitors, you must be able to show the unique value that your products/business offers compared to others surfacing on search engines. A unique value proposition is a unique benefit your customers get when they do business with you. It could be anything - a free home delivery, a money-back guarantee, or a personalised service. 

Finding your competitive advantage can help you make the most of your existing strengths and prioritise improvements. Make sure to highlight customer benefits, reflect your business strengths, be clear, simple, and unique, and change over time to adapt to new changes. The Queensland Government shares a few tips for identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition.    

Market saturation

According to Corporate Finance Institute (CFI), the term market saturation is also referred to as the product life cycle where a product moves through the marketplace as it enters, becomes established, and exits the market. Market saturation arises when the customers are already satisfied with a particular product, so its market demand stagnates. It can happen for various reasons, such as increased competition, decreased customer need, or because the product has become obsolete in the market. When the demand for the product starts declining, it'll become more challenging to acquire new customers or grow sales.      

No product trend will last forever, so you can’t build a sustainable business on trending products alone. What goes up must come down too. It’s worth considering the Gartner hype cycle. Designed by consultancy firm Gartner to represent the maturity, adoption and social application of technologies, the same methodology can be applied to trending products online, especially those born out of social media phenomenon. 


A chart showcasing the hype cycle.


Trends change with time, and changing trends could mean the product that was once trending and increased your profit gains will no longer be in high demand. So, you should find a middle ground to keep your dropshipping business running successfully. The best solution is having a blend of all-time best sellers and trending products in your dropshipping store or creating a niche out of trending products. It can help you stay profitable and get steady and consistent sales even with changing trends.

Understanding the different kinds of trends

Dropshipping stores can benefit from selling trending products. But timing matters because it’ll only take a short time before your competitors start selling the same products in their stores. Product trends are influenced by several factors and can last for the short-term or long-term. As the market demand starts declining, your sales can drop, resulting in lower profit margins. In this case, you should already have another product to sell in your dropshipping store. For this reason, you should continuously be spying on rising trends to make the best out of the opportunity.  


Types of product trends

Product trends are classified into three different categories: short-term product trends, mid-long-term product trends, and seasonal trends. As a dropshipping store owner, you need to keep track of these trends to utilise them to grow your business and make additional profits. In this section, let’s explore these product trends.  

Short-term product trends

Short-term product trends remain extremely popular for a short time and die off quickly. These trends can last for a few weeks or a couple of months. Short-term trends usually originate from a single online community and gradually expand to other communities, attracting attention from Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. It's easy to identify these trends because multiple sources will discuss the same topic at the same time. Short-term trends include social media product trends, Amazon Prime Day, and Black Friday.  

People get excited and become obsessed with such trends that they want to participate in something that’s buzz-worthy. It’s an incredible opportunity for online businesses looking to boost sales and maximise profits. When such a trend happens in your niche, you need to act fast before a particular product starts losing popularity. So you should be on your toes to make the best out of the opportunity. Short-term trends are best suited to dropshipping businesses because you can contact a supplier and start selling immediately.   

The best example of short-term product trends would be the famous free smartphone game Pokemon Go. More than 500 million downloads were recorded.   


A graph showing the peak of search volume for 'Pokemon Go' in February 2015


You can see from the above graph that the popularity of the Pokemon Go game slowly began to decline since its release. The Pokemon Go craze lasted for a couple of months.

Mid-long-term product trends

Unlike a fad or craze, mid-long-term product trends stick around for some years and fade slowly. Since they’ll be trending in the market for a longer span, you have more time to take advantage of them in your dropshipping store. Offering such products in your online store can provide stable returns. 

As a dropshipping store owner, you may need to conduct in depth research to identify these mid-long-term product trends. It's important to act quickly. There’s a famous saying - the early bird catches the worm. Entering the market at the right time will enable you to capitalise on a trend and reap long-term benefits. Mid-long-term product trends attract most online sellers, meaning you’ll be facing more competition. 

The best example of mid-long-term product trends would be the iPhone 6 released in 2014. More than 10 million units were snapped up in their first weekend launch.  


A graph showing the peak of search volume of 'iPhone 6' in January 2015.


You can see from the above graph that the popularity of the iPhone 6 slowly began to decline. It's most likely due to the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus launch in 2016. It led to a shift in consumer preference, and later the iPhone 6 was discontinued in most markets. 

Seasonal product trends

Lastly, we’ve seasonal trends that come and go with the season. Seasonal products are popular and in high demand only during a specific time of the year. If you’re a dropshipper selling seasonal products, you should include other products to sell in your dropshipping store for year-round sales. 

For example, people will be interested in purchasing Christmas products only in the lead up to December. They may be repeat customers, but return to your online store on an annual basis exclusively for this reason only.


A graph showing the yearly search volume peak of the keyword 'Halloween costumes'.


The same goes for the Halloween costumes that sell fast in October. In the above graph, you can see that Halloween costumes rise in popularity every year in October.     

Where to find trending products for dropshipping 

Are you hunting for trending products to sell in your dropshipping store? Finding winning products for your online business is a challenge in itself. Additionally, it can delay the process of setting up your dropshipping store. But we’ve made it easier for you with our years of experience and knowledge so you can start your dropshipping journey on the right foot.  

The following are some best places to look for trending products to sell. No matter where you’re at in your dropshipping journey, you can use these methods to discover trending products for your ecommerce store.


Do a Google search


A screenshot of google suggested search terms after typing in the keyword 'what's trending'.


You can start by browsing Google to see what’s currently trending. Type what you’re interested in finding into the Google search. As you type, you’ll notice popular searches and suggestions appear below the search toolbar. You can use them as an inspiration to find the most relevant topics to your search. Choose words carefully when you’re searching for something. You can type the phrase ‘what’s trending' or ‘trending products [your niche]’ for a more detailed search, and you’ll be presented with related search results. Go through the results and bookmark the ones that pique your interest so you can revisit them later.  


A screenshot of related searches on google after searching 'what is trending'.


You can also check out the related searches for more inspiration and ideas. With this technique, you’re likely to find good trending products to offer your customers in your dropshipping store.  


Look at social media platforms

Social media is a powerful tool that affects individuals and businesses alike. It’s a form of digital communication that allows people to interact with others and enable marketers to engage and reach their target audience. Browsing social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok can help you find products that have gone viral and have the potential to make you money. 

The social platforms you choose for your product research should depend on the type of audience you’re looking to target. If your target audience is millennials and Gen Zers, you should use Instagram and TikTok. But, if you don’t have a clear plan, you could start with Facebook and YouTube because these platforms have the highest active users with varying demographics. 

Another easy way to find trending products for your online business is to join ecommerce-related groups, pages, and communities. They are a hive of trending topics and information that will keep you informed on which products/topics are trending and help you determine which products could be the best fit for your online business.


A screenshot of a Facebook group page called Ecom Empires.


Check out the following popular Facebook Groups you can join for your ecommerce and dropshipping business. 

For more information on how to use social media for your online business, Business Queensland by Queensland Government has created an in-depth guide to help you grow your business with social media. 


Search the best-selling products on popular marketplaces

One of the best ways to find trending products for your dropshipping store is to search on popular marketplaces. They’re another rich source for generating product ideas and carry a broad range of products. As products start trending, these marketplaces are usually the first ones to have them. 


A screenshot of Amazons best sellers page with 2 rows of 4 products.


You may begin your search by looking into the top-selling categories and then diving into other categories that interest you. The following are some popular marketplaces in Australia you should look at for trending product inspiration.

  • Amazon: Amazon has best seller lists and movers and shakers for almost every category. The products in these sections are updated hourly based on their sales data.   

  • eBay: With eBay’s watch count, you can see what’s popular and most-watched products on eBay. You can even use keywords to find the best sellers in your niche.   

  • Wish: Wish is another one of the largest ecommerce marketplaces in Australia. You can look through its popular products and trending products page to get some inspiration for your dropshipping store. 

  • AliExpress: AliExpress sells more than one hundred million products to buyers worldwide. You might want to check out AliExpress popular to see the trending products on AliExpress. 

  • Etsy: Etsy is a global online marketplace that’s well-known for buying and selling handmade, vintage and craft supply products. While Etsy has strict rules against reselling products and cautions against dropshipping items, you can use it to research trending products under Etsy Trending Items.  


Keep track of influencer activity in your niche

Another way to find trending products for your dropshipping store is to keep track of influencers, marketing leaders, and celebrities using products in your niche. The 21st century is the era of influencers. People follow their favourite influencers and celebrities on social media and are ready to use their favourite products. 

The trick is to closely analyse their daily-life activities and find the products they use or the brands they support. You should also check how their fans are responding to their recommendations. Influencers do a great job of influencing their audiences to engage with certain products and brands. You can seize the opportunity and introduce these products in your dropshipping store to skyrocket your sales.  


Use product research tools

Sometimes, manually searching for trending products to sell in your dropshipping store can be frustrating and tiring. But what if you get similar results without spending hours looking for trending products on different platforms? 

Product research tools are literally time savers. They use sophisticated algorithms to analyse millions of products, collect data from multiple sources, and suggest products that your consumers might prefer. Based on consumer habits, sales history, and order volumes, these tools can predict which products could potentially become popular. There are several product research tools available in the market. Some are free, while others charge a subscription fee.  

We’ve shared a few dropshipping product research tools you can rely on for your business. 


Join online communities

Finding profitable, in-demand products to sell can be challenging. One of the best ways to find trending products to dropship is to join online communities. Platforms like Reddit, Pinterest, and Facebook have several online communities and forums that can help you find profitable and high-in-demand products for dropshipping.   

The following are some queries to get trending product hints/ideas for your dropshipping store. Ensure that you deep dive into the search results to find something relevant.  

How to validate your trending product ideas

Launching your own dropshipping store is an exciting phase in your life as an entrepreneur. That goes without saying there’s nothing more painful than spending your time and efforts on a business that can’t succeed. According to Forbes, 75 per cent of new businesses survive the first year, 69 per cent survive the first two years, and only 50 per cent of businesses make it to five years. A primary contributor to this trend is the newbie entrepreneurs offering products that don’t have market demand. 

Usually, entrepreneurs get so excited and passionate about their product ideas that they don't confirm product demand and search trends and assume that the product ideas will sell like crazy. However, that may not always be true. All product ideas must be backed up by product demand, which you can only gauge through sufficient market research. No dropshipping business can ever sustain without product demand. So once you’ve identified trending products to sell in your dropshipping store, you should validate those trending product ideas. 

Expert tip: Validate the product ideas through an unbiased and non-emotional lens. It'll save you from investing your time, money, and effort in pursuing something that won’t work.   

So the question is, how do you do it? There are five ways to validate your trending product ideas. Let’s explore them in this section. 


A graph of 5 key product idea validation.


Research existing product demand with Google Trends

Validate your product idea and research existing product demand by using Google Trends. It’s a powerful product research tool for understanding market demand and determining potential opportunities for product success. With Google Trends, you can see the search interest in a particular product and learn whether a trending product is on the upswing or its market demand is declining.  

Take ‘Pet beds' for example. From the below graph sourced from Google Trends, you can see that pet beds are growing in popularity. The data shows that the product is doing well on the market, and there’s significant product demand, which helps you in better decision-making. 


A graph showing the rise of search volume of the keyword pet bed.


Google Trends also lets you see quiet and busy times of the year for the product you're searching. It provides useful and valuable insights into the best times of the year, which can help you determine when to put your marketing efforts to boost sales. Take ‘Christmas trees’ for example. From the below graph sourced from Google Trends, the data suggests that the trend for this product is consistent across the timeframe. You may also observe a significant surge around November and December that's due to the seasonal demand.  


A graph showing the yearly peak of the search volume of Christmas Tree.


Conduct competitor analysis

Your dropshipping business would be chasing roughly the same customers and offering comparable products as your competitors. So, it’s worth conducting a competitor analysis to ensure there’s a healthy market for your products. A competitor analysis can help you to understand the marketplace, discover how your competitors’ business is doing, spot opportunities to improve, enhance your products, and outshine your competitors. 

When you conduct competitor analysis, ensure that it examines your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, market share, product pricing and features, differentiators, marketing strategies, customer demographics, and reviews. It will provide valuable insights and help you better understand the market, which will serve as a road map for your business to prepare for growth.

Expert tip: The experts at Dropshipzone suggest that you document your research. Avoid making it long; instead, you could use graphs and charts to summarise the information. It enables you to present your research more professionally, so just by looking at the graphical presentation, you can draw certain inferences at a glance, making complex information easier to understand.  


Measure interest on social media

Another way you should try to validate your product ideas is through social media. It’s an effective platform to test and validate your product ideas. Social platforms like Instagram, Quora, TikTok, Reddit, and Facebook can help you understand the demand for your product. You can check social media hashtags to gauge how popular the product is on social media and its position in the marketplace you operate in. You can also discover what people are saying about the product, which will help you identify customer pain points that you can work on to present your product in a relevant way and improve your business. 

Expert tip: Ideally, you should continue testing your product ideas and thought process for a while before selecting the product for your dropshipping store. 


Conduct online surveys


A screenshot of the google forms sign up page.


Online surveys are also a great way to validate your product ideas. The key to conducting a successful online survey is to define what you’re trying to measure. Your primary goal should be determining the market demand for your product and identifying who is most likely to buy your products. Once you understand your customer base, you can create a free survey to communicate with them and gather feedback on your product. 

You can use Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to create an online survey. These tools are free to use and highly efficient for capturing the voices and opinions of your target market. You can distribute your online survey via email, website or blog post, social media, or even hire a market research agency to get more respondents with quality responses. Another reliable way to distribute surveys is through Random Device Engagement (RDE), which allows you to deliver surveys via mobile apps and organically engage your customers by incentivising non-monetarily. 

Expert tip: Properly structuring an online survey is immensely crucial. We strongly recommend you keep your online survey short and include clear and easy-to-understand questions. People usually skip an online survey that’s long and has complicated or irrelevant questions. 


Test your product idea with a pre-launch landing page

Another effective way to test your product idea is by creating a pre-launch landing page. It can help you discover if there’s a group of people interested in your product. Create a landing page that’s directed towards your target audience. Ensure you include your value proposition, email address field, and a suitable Call To Action (CTA) on the pre-launch landing page. That’s all you need to do to get started.


The 5 elements of a winning landing page including value proposition and social proofing.


A landing page acts as a lead magnet. Once you initiate a relationship with your target audience on social platforms such as Instagram, you can drive traffic to your landing page. The successful subscriptions or engagements your landing page generates at the end of the campaign indicate that your target audience might be interested in your product and that there’s a possibility of making a purchase. Additionally, a pre-launch landing page campaign will enable you to build a mailing list and collect valuable data that you can use for other marketing projects.

We hope this guide has helped you learn the ins and outs of finding trending products for your dropshipping store. Don’t wait any longer! Start looking for trending niche products to sell online today. The earlier you start, the faster you can build a successful dropshipping business.

If you need help with dropshipping in Australia, the Dropshipzone team is only a few clicks away.

Why choose Dropshipzone?

Dropshipzone is an Australian-based wholesale and dropship B2B2C marketplace that can help you build a dropshipping business from scratch.

Dropshipzone carries a broad range of products from furniture to kitchen appliances to home fitness equipment and more, enabling you to build a niche store and giving you the flexibility to broaden your product offerings as your business grows. We’ve got a dedicated quality control team that ensures product quality, safety, and compliance from our major suppliers for your peace of mind. And our efficient customer service team will always have your back if you ever have any questions or causes for concern. Our reliable suppliers have partnered with major shipping companies, so rest assured products will reach your customers within a reasonable period of time from Australian warehouses.  

Many of our suppliers source profitable products directly from manufacturers, meaning you get products at competitive prices that enable you to make good profits as you make sales. Whether in terms of product prices, range, customer service, order processing times, or integration possibilities, Dropshipzone has got Aussie ecommerce stores covered.



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